Connect the Dots & Go from Single to Snatched in 4 Steps is for the 35plus woman who is READY to find true love but for some reason you're struggling.

You keep repeating the same "mistakes" only to find yourself feeling tired, overwhelmed, and questioning whether true love exists.

Over this next 30 days (or the next 4 days if you're READY to accelerate*) I'll take you on a deep, introspective journey where you:

  • Clear your Energetic Blocks + Barriers to love
  • Get Super Clear on what your perfect Vision of Love looks like (believe me; it exists!)
  • Hone your Voice, Stand in your Truth and MASTER the dating game
  • Uplevel your feelings of self-value, self-worth, deservedness AND entitlement so that you can Magnetise Love easily, effortlessly, AND QUICKLY

👉PLUS you will look at YOU to see what part you are playing in your Love Story to date.

We will cover:

  • Week One – Let’s look at the past as a place which holds real keys to creating a new future
  • Week Two – Moving forward into LOVE clearly, confidently and courageously
  • Week Three – Developing the Muscle to LOVE so that you show up powerfully daily
  • Week Four – Exploring RADICAL self-love as the foundation of ALL LOVE so that you finally start to appreciate the High Value woman you are.

Essentially you will FINALLY be looking inward so you can create what you desire outwardly.

*For those READY to accelerate and access these insights quickly, you can take these weeks in days and go from a 30 day journey to a power packed, love changing 4 day journey instead.

👉This Guided Love Journey is for you if:

  • You are finally ready to get a look at what is REALLY blocking you from the love you desire AND deserve.
  • You are ready to create a clear vision of love so you will KNOW what you are waiting to step into and magnetically attract this love into your life in a completely soul aligned way.
  • You want to learn how to use your voice and harness your energy to ensure that the relationship you end up in is EXACTLY the relationship you want and you are aren’t settling for whatever just passes your way.
  • You are READY to activate the highest levels of self-love, so you no longer question your value, worth, deservedness or ENTITLEMENT to the relationship that you WANT. You literally magnetize love to you and stand ready to move forward powerfully in LOVE!  
  • In simple terms, you're READY to find out what's blocking you in love, deal with it once and for all and attract the love you've been yearning for. (Imagine not having to fall off to sleep wishing your perfect partner was right next to you, or going through that umpteenth tub of ice-cream trying to numb away the loneliness and pain😌. The love you desire and deserve is waiting for you!)

👉This is NOT for you if:

  • You are not ready to commit to the process.
  • You do not want to confront the past and what can TRULY be at the root of your repetitive and/or self-sabotaging behaviour in love.
  • You need the exploration to be “easy”.
  • You are content to remain with your love situation being the same 1 year, 2 years, 3 years or even 5 years from now.


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Available in days
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Available in days
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Available in days
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Available in days
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Hear what others have to say...

✨✨✨✨✨“Hi Kaysha, I hope you are well. This week was certainly an eye opener. I have never had such deep conversations with myself before. I have never really self- explored these questions. Too long I would take a just wait and see approach… I was wrong. To get what you want you have to ask. And for you to ask, you have to know what you want- Eureka What a powerful breakthrough moment! Thanks again!”


✨✨✨✨✨ "Hi Kaysha, going through my journal that I’ve kept specifically for this journey and it is just unbelievable how much ground I covered. How deep I went and the sifting through of my life experiences… I had to pause yesterday as I went through the trauma experiences and how they coloured my relationships, but I kept going and I am so happy I did. And I’m still going through an updating and making little notes as I go along. One of the big things I struggled with is resentment towards…but it’s not there anymore, I don’t feel it; isn’t that AMAZING!. Thank you so much for doing this. Thank you for this journey!”

✨✨✨✨✨“Hey Kaysha, today was a tough day, realizing that all these heavy emotions were getting in the way of receiving love. I loved the closet analogy and it made sense. I did the activity but there is a part of me that needs to sit with the feelings for a bit and let them go with kindness. Thanks Kaysha”


✨✨✨✨✨“Hi Kaysha, I loved today and the Canva idea was inspired! I’ve now made it into my desktop image so I can see it each and every day. When I was making the Vision Board, I was also listening to romantic songs to up my romance vibe. It’s nice to gently move through resistance. Thanks and LOVE the Voice Notes 😊”

✨✨✨✨✨ "Hi Kaysha, thanks for this work. It was the first time I ever made the connection between the relationship I had with my dad and me settling in relationships. What an AHA moment. I am feeling so emotional. As I shed some tears I am determined to fix this. Thank you very much for not giving up on me! "

✨✨✨✨✨ "Hi Kaysh, just wanted to drop a note to say thank you again for this journey... I'm putting in the work and surely had some eye opening moments. I was talking to my mom about some of my thoughts and AHAS about Day 4 and how many experiences I have mirrored. The emotional unavailability, the otherwise taken, the serving and sacrifice and forgetting of self, the insecurities...so many. It's very eye-opening when you write it on paper or say it out loud. Thanks for putting together this journey 🙂"


✨✨“✨✨✨ Hi Kaysh, Thank you for this experience. I found it to be deep, exhilarating, powerful and profound. It allowed me to go as deep as I was willing to yield. I’m taking away a greater love for me, who I am and who I was created to be. My biggest AHA moment was understanding the pathology on our behaviours and the importance of taking responsibility for how we show up in love. The programme was worth every penny. I found myself looking forward to my exercises; it was something to look forward to. Thank you Kaysha Franklin Coaching. You rock!”

"✨✨✨✨✨So much to say, so much value was gained...investing in self, the power of forgiveness, being intentional, making space and time for love, the power of self love, understanding that the love you seek is seeking you....it was more than I expected and definitely worth every minute spent.

One of my most profound moments for me in the love journey was limiting beliefs and reframing them. We have absolutely no idea how the things we grew up hearing or what is in our environment affects us and how we show up in love. We need to identify and reframe them.

There were so many good nuggets, you left convinced that you will find love. but first you have to do "the work" Clean up and take stock! Use your voice and chart your Love Vision, trust the process and then watch love unfold. Thanks Kaysha for sharing this journey with me."

"✨✨✨✨✨Being in a relationship, knowing it had no future was not admittedly one of my best moments. And that's where I found myself for far too long.

This love journey was a necessary step, not only for moving past this obstacle but for what it has done as a whole. You dig deep; its emotional; you want to just not write the letters or think about the past. But through that, it helped me to find my "relationship voice", believe in myself and confirm what I want my love relationship tp look like and more importantly to feel like. This was definitely an intention I set from the start.

Kaysha has an amazing way of making persons feel comfortable in expressing their vulnerabilities, but also the most amazing gift in letting us know that we are worthy. Thanks for the 🎁 that has been this journey."

*All identifying details have been removed to maintain the privacy of programme participants. 

The point is: This IS the work that will help you make those love shifts you need to create a RADICALLY different LOVE experience quickly. 

It ALL starts with you!

When you take action now, as a special 🎁 to you, you'll get 30% off your one time purchase; available for a LIMITED TIME ONLY!

Choose your Price:

When you take ACTION NOW, you’ll get:

  • Lifetime Access to your 30-Day Guided Love Journey Membership
  • A built in discount of 30% off for a LIMITED time only
  • All further updates to the resources for FREE
  • Ability to take this journey at your own pace; take it quickly or slow it down, whatever works best for you
  • 30 guided worksheets that build on each other
  • 30 Voice Notes that accompany each worksheet and offers key pieces of insights on each day
  • 3 Bonuses which include Love Affirmations to quickly amplify your LOVE energy and draw your perfect love match to you and an audio on the Energy of EFFORTLESS LOVE. Here's a little clue: Stepping into the LOVE we deserve and desire doesn’t have to as difficult as we have been made to believe. Learn how to do this more effortlessly!
  • Access to a private Facebook group for members only where you'll experience built in accountability and community. (BRAND NEW: This game changing piece was recently added for those who would rather not do this journey alone and wish to have some access to me to help guide you on your journey)
  • The opportunity to become a Single 2 Snatched affiliate. Once you complete the journey, you'll refer your single girlfriends anyways, why not make additional income from it. (Available to members only.)
  • 30 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee.

If you've made it this far on this page, you are NOT here by chance; take a chance on YOU. Take action now and watch how you transform over the next 30 days, or the next 4 days if you choose to accelerate!


Hi I'm Kaysha; Certified Professional Coach and creator of this potent, love changing programme.

There was a time when I was succeeding in all others areas of life but struggling in love.

All I wanted to do was to find my perfect partner, settle down and experience love. 

If you said to me: "Kaysh, in order to find love, you have to go to the farthest mountain, climb to the top, spin around three times, and there you will find the magic formula", I PROMISE you, despite how crazy it sounded, I would have done it 😩.

I was so desperate for a way, a clue, some kind of tried and true formula that would get me where I wanted to go.

Yet all I kept attracting were situationships and expectationships where I wanted more than the experience could ever give.

This was especially frustrating as I was used to setting goals, creating a plan, and then getting what I wanted but this wasn't working with love.

I got so desperate to figure it, out that I decided to slow down, look at the experiences I was having, and explore the one person I had yet to fully explore: ME.

"Explore YOU" 30 day Guided Love journey is a 30 day intensive based on my 11 year journey to find love and my 5 year journey as a Certified Professional Coach through one of the leading coaching institutions in the world (iPEC Coaching.)

This is the work I took to go from Single (for more than 11 years) to Snatched in less than 5 months and married in less than two years. 

Explore You 30 Day Journey is the work I was looking for earnestly but never found so I felt it was my duty to bring this work to all the single women READY for love.

My love experience, using the 4 step framework in this programme is a testament of what we say in the Caribbean that “what don’t happen in a year does happen in a day”!

By the end of our time together you will position yourself for partnership and be ready to end of your Season of Singleness.

So, if you’re truly READY to call in the love of your life in a short space of time, then Explore YOU 30 Day Guided Love Journey is for you.

Grab it now and let’s get started together.


Kaysha ❤

  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

  • When does the programme start?

This programme starts whenever you would like it to start. Once you complete your purchase, you will be immediately guided to your portal where you can get started immediately.

  • How long do I have access to the programme?

How does Lifetime Access sound? What's more is that you'll continue to access valuable upgrades to the programme at NO additional cost to you.

  • Why this programme?

During my 11 years of being single, I desperately wanted a simple guide I could use to get to the root of my relationship problems.

  • Why did I keep attracting the same type of guy?
  • Why did I say I was ready for love yet felt so afraid of it?
  • How could I start to let go of the things I knew were holding me back yet I felt so helplessly bound to?
  • How could I find my "relationship voice" so I could thrive and magnetise love easily, effortlessly and quickly.

And the list went on.

I never found that guide.

As I used my coaching certificate and expertise to get to the root of my problem, I knew I had to create this resource for women like me who are desperately searching for love.

"EXPLORE YOU" 30 Day Guided Love Journey is an introduction to my love coaching work.

It allows you to explore you with a view to removing the blocks and barriers which are currently holding you back from love while simultaneously showing you how to level up and be READY to receive love when (not if) it comes.

  • What can I expect after completing it?

Every person's experience is different on this journey and what you get out of it is directly related to the time and effort you put in.

Once you commit to the process however, you can expect to discover:

  • The root of your relationship problem(s)- the real reason why you keep attracting the same kind of relationships (even if this is NO relationship).

  • How to change the current experience you are having in love from situationships, dead end relationships, self sacrificial relationships or simply no relationships to beautiful, wholesome, expansive partnership.

  • How to perfect your relationship voice so that you can clearly articulate what's important to you and have potential partners clamoring to provide this for you.

  • How to level up your feelings of self value and self worth so you approach dating and relationships as the unique, amazing, high value woman you are which rapidly changes the results you have been getting.

No more desperate, I hope this is "the one" energy.

Instead you learn how to delight prospective partners, detach from the outcome, and discover how freeing it feels to no longer be chasing love but rather to sit in the knowledge that it's on its way.

As an introductory self coaching guide, there's nothing else out there like it.

The hybrid model which allows deep self work + intimate access to me at a fraction of what my 1:1 clients pay for make this is a complete no brainer.

  • What if I am unhappy with the programme?

I would never want you to feel anything less than 100% satisfied with your purchase. Because I KNOW the massive value you will experience, I stand behind your purchase with a 30 Day 100% guarantee.

If you have completed the programme and are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact me within the first 30 days for a 100% refund of your money.

  • Can someone gift this programme to me?

Absolutely! All the person who is gifting needs to do is enter your name and email details at the check out point. This will automatically give you access to the programme.

  • May you share more about the Single 2 Snatched Affiliate Programme?

My "Single 2 Snatch" coaching is my soul's work.

My deepest desire is that EVERY woman who desires love, comes to know it in a beautiful and intimate way.

Through the Affiliate Programme members are encouraged to share with a single friend who needs a resource like this and they can then be rewarded with up to 40% of the purchase price.

With this programme in place, members could easily recoup their investment by doing something they would have done anyways (recommending this programme to a friend.) Out of integrity, this offer is available to members only.

Choose a Pricing Option