Lesson #5: Forgiveness NOW

Forgiveness is one of the MOST important things you can do if you are genuinely seeking a pure, wholesome, beautiful, loving relationship, and yet it is often one of the MOST difficult things to do.

Holding on to past pain, hurts, and disappointments can actually serve you if you find yourself too afraid to "try" again in love.

These energy blocks stop you from having to do the real work of digging deep and forgiving those who may have hurt you, disappointed you, betrayed you, or anything similar in the past.

Sometimes, interestingly, the person you have to forgive is YOU for allowing things to unfold as they did and not standing fully in your self value and self worth.

Whatever it is, if you have been holding onto the pain of the past and this has been stopping you from experiencing love, today's work is specifically for you.

This work has seen some of my clients release the heaviest of burdens and make the most massive shifts and I KNOW it can do the same thing for you too.

So go ahead and download your worksheet for today along with the accompanying audio and Happy Exploring to you!



Day 5 30 Day Guided Love Journey.pdf

BONUS: For another resource on Forgiveness, navigate to the "BONUS" section and download your powerful, game changing Forgiveness meditation.

This potent meditation has seen many of my clients make RADICAL shifts after finally being able to acknowledge who they needed to forgive and then finally being able to do so through this meditation.

I can't wait for you to have your own AHA moments around this; the BONUS Meditation is right there waiting for you!

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