Lesson #1: Let's Imagine - Create your perfect Vision of LOVE

Creating a Vision of Love is as important as creating a Vision for Life.

If you are not ABSOLUTELY clear about what is important to you in love, you will be unable to identify whether you've hit or missed the mark when a potential love partner comes along.

Every beautiful thing that you desire must first be imagined and created in the mind before it is then created in reality.

Today, as you download your worksheet and listen to the accompanying audio, I encourage you to think big and allow yourself to dream about what you REALLY want in love.

While last week's work was all about looking at the past for the clues it held for you, this week's work is all about intentionally AND deliberately creating the future.

Enjoy this part of process of calling the love you seek to you.



Day 8 Explore You 30 Day Guided Love Journey.pdf
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